The popularity of the Texas deer hunting ranches depends upon the types of trophies they organize. More prize amount offered with these trophies more will be demand from the hunter’s side. These trophies are the best way to evaluate the skills of the hunters as well as a way to acknowledge their talent. Different types of trophies and prizes are arranged at different Texas deer hunting ranches. A brief introduction about these trophies and their prize money will be providing you an overview. Some of these trophies are:

1.    Bronze medal at Texas deer hunting ranches with price money of $3250 per hunter.

2.    Silver medal trophy is given to those hunters which have earned 150 total inches horns. The prize money is $5500.

3.    Gold medal trophy which worth for $8500 and bestow to those hunters who have earned 160 inches horns.

4.    Platinum medal trophy which worth $11500 is awarded to those hunters who have earned 170 inches of horns.

The other trophies by Texas deer hunting ranches are offered on the packages. The description about different trophies and prize money on hunt packages are given below:

1.    Package 1: It is 3 day and four night hunt package that is offered for mature whitetail bucks. The enrolling fee of the package is $2200 and the prize amount is $6500.

2.    Package 2: It is 3 day and four night trophy that is offered for mature whitetail buck at $1500 and prize money is $4000.

3.    Package 3: 3 days and 4 nights, trophy which is offered on whitetail buck. The enrolling fee is $1500 and prize amount is $4400.

Other Texas deer hunting ranches offer according to their rules and policies. This was just an overview so let you know that how much you can earn back by taking part in these types of trophies competitions.